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Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The day I let myself stop loving you was the day I spread my wings

Heh, going through old messages. Deleting all, reading them as I went, since I can't mark all cos I got some I don't wanna delete. :D Hahaha likeeee...those retarded ones that made me laugh. XD

Yea. So anyway. A certain sms made me think.

What makes a good christian/catholic? Carrying a bible around, knowing it so well you can pull quotes out of your sleeves?

I don't really think so. Its always easy to say, but if you yourself cannot follow, then it defeats the purpose. Action speaks louder than words.

Cos I may not have read the bible in a long time. But I remember an important line.

Not by word, but by deed.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 16:11


On one hand, a happy keed cos I got my hugsy, and won the for life edition to boot! :O

On another hand, contemplating certain words.

On the third, irritation settles in.

Mmm, might be stupid reason to some. I think its quite stupid too lol.

I guess its just about how much dignity you place on honor. :/ Exceptions are given, sure, but something like that?

I just don't see it. XD


So you learnt something new about me today eh. (: Changing your mind yet? heh.

Sorry I can't join you for lunch moomoocow. ):

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:23

Monday, 29 September 2008


Yesterday was a good night to be pyro. :D

I went suicidal again, but I managed to keel people this time. :D

Furthermore, I was playing with SS, Oli, and Darren. :X

Which reminds me. I needa add Julian. :D

Mmm. Samurai game is still at heartland mall according to Oli. So should definitely drag the gang over one day. With world combat too. :D

I just had kinder bueno. :X


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 17:07

Sunday, 28 September 2008


Heh. So it was all a misunderstanding.


Bloody hell la. XD

I was so moody for 3 days, severe mood swings can. =.=

I thought of something in the mrt today. It made me grin. But I can't remember what it is now. :/ Go on, laugh at me. XD I know I'm a blur sotongggggggg. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 15:45

Saturday, 27 September 2008


good job, you managed to bring the mixed pot to a boil.

now just leave it to simmer and the potion for madness is complete.

why the heck did i cry?

Edit: Thought I'd list the ingredients.

Add a dash of kindness.
A spoonful of tenderness.
A whole fist of sadness.
And any amount of unexplicable knocks.

Just a little more happiness.
A puff of confusion.

Cook under constant pressure until you see some of the solid ingredients starting to crack.
Increase the pressure.


Leave to simmer.


Potion of madness, ready to be drunk.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:01

quick recovery

hahahaha. I pwned the emo today. :D Hahahhaa. I watched D.gray man, and that chat with bearbear helped LOADS. :>

Ya. Subject of convo. A lot of personal stuffs. :O

D.gray man. Kanda. Held. Allen's. Left hand. XD

Hahaha, well technically, it IS, isn't it? I mean. When his left hand...morphs into the sword...and someone...holds it... XD

Hahahhaa. Yea. Kanda and Lavi and Allen co-op. :D

Omg. They stopping at episode 103. ):

Yea. Kanda. Kicked Komui. Ahaha.

Kanda was like \m/
and lavi was... :3

And allen was. :O

Hahahaha. And lenalee. Less whiney ya. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 03:19


This is the second doggone emo night in a row.

And now this...

I'm going crazy. One day my patience will wear thin and you will find yourself being shouted at for being so darn stupid.

And then.


Forget it.

At this rate my eyes will be wet enough even without eye mo.


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:31

Thursday, 25 September 2008

boiling hot hot hot!

Mm. Maybe thats why they say to always test the waters before jumping in.

Owell. I'm a survivor. I'll...grow fins or something. =\

Its been such a damn stuffy day. Sticky like anything now.

Its been quite a terrible day actually. Moody. EMO. Bloody hell.

Although I didn't cry so its not exactly emo. :X

Mmmmm...Promises, promises. :D

And that statement hangs ever over my conciousness. I mean...What in the world did it mean? O_O

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 18:58

can't sleep

A nasty situation.
Its only relation,

Haha. =\

You confuse me.
Confound me.

My instinct is going crazy. I don't want to trust it anymore...
And yet...

I do.

How nice it would be, if it were true.
Ahh, at the thought of it, my heart dances.

Yet withers with fear.

Not too sure.
If my feelings have affected the accuracy of my instinct in this situation.

Do know, however.
That I'm right on other counts.

But somehow. It doesn't feel good.

Cos now that one step has come true.

I have a bad feeling.

Pray for the best...
But its tough to watch the suffering of others,
While I'm left feeling useless.
Cos there's no damn thing I can do.

I give advice.
That which I don't follow.
What an example I set.

my own fear it scares me
beyond my wildest imagination
far worse than I thought.

nobody's fault?

Tears shouldn't be falling.
Over something so trivial.

Tears shouldn't be falling at all.

Is this all a lie?

I'm strong. I won't cry, I won't crack.
Will I?

I just broke that a few hours ago.

I'm freaking scared.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 04:28

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Ok, ok. Time to take a step back

Reality, you think you have won. I only have one thing to say to you.

You have won the battle, but I am far from losing the war.

Ade isn't giving up just yet.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:24

by your will, not mine, he said

May my prayer reach you if that be your will.

I wish not to see more tears.

Tears I know are being shed right now. I feel it.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 03:33

scheme success

Yay. We managed to surprise Jordan with the cake. :D Papa was touched. :X

Damn sleepy. ):

Kbox with kendo gang tomorrow. O_O Kbox. +.+ I think I'll just eat the buffet with Gregory. =\

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:09

Monday, 22 September 2008

Oh dear...

This is taking longer than I thought.


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:07

Sunday, 21 September 2008

swat team


Went out after church today. Carls Jr with Red Bull and Bearbear, walked around suntec and in the end had no time for ice cream. ):

Went over to GWC, surprised Jordan at his work place. XD Silly person put the next counter please sign when he saw us. XD hahahaha.

Dogtags. Hehe. Ima genius ET, ADMIT IT. :X

Uh. Dinner after watching Disaster movie while waiting for jojo. It was lame funny. CHipmunks were creepy. =\ So was kung fu panda. XD

Dinner. Nice. Sake. XD I downed it. Muahaha. I'm fine. It wasn't that much. I can handle more. :P

Ok. Lazy. Feeling hot and cold and sick and all. :/

so...weird way of posting, so whatever if you wanna analyze.

'not one to place under lock and key
'too cautious to let it free
'silly silly little miss me
'holds it close and climbs up a tree

'too close for comfort, causes fear
'uncertainty hidden behind pushed back tears
'the decisions made seem oh so queer
'the hurt from past, still crystal clear

'harden the heart, let no one near
'a desire i never wanted to appear
'i forge ahead, away from the trial
'i'm not ready, my heart says, as it imagines leers

'let no man close lest he be dear

Hahaha. XD it wasn't really supposed to be a poem, more of random lines. :O

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:24

Saturday, 20 September 2008

camp matters

What I liked about last night:

2. Comfy bed. :3
3. Familiar bathroom.
4. No mozzie bites. :\

What I didn't like:

1. Aloneeeee.
2. Veggie rice again. =.=
3. Eating alone.

What I loved about Kendo camp:

1. Meals were never eaten alone! :3
2. Slept out of rooms with the gang :D
4. Funny moments even while training, and during breaks. X)
5. Crashing the boys room, and Nasu complaining. XD

What I didn't like about kendo camp:

1. Mozzie bite frenzy.
2. Fell sick.
3. HOTTT nights. :(

And that sums it up! :3

Now Imma gonna go in depth for each day. Wakaka.

Day 1:

My back was fine when I woke up, but was hurting quite badly by the time I reached school. Which fourtish latest. :3 Was planning to be there at seven twenty but I kinda dallied a bit too much. XD

Got there at the same time as KC, went to kachiao the stoning bearbear. Breakfast, came back, POFF Glenn appeared. Followed him to get breakfast too cos I'm NICE, and as we were walking, SS appeared. So we waited for him, and in the end, POFF oli and uh...Was it gregory? Crap my brain cells got killed...anyway...a whole group went to macs. :3

Settled into the room, AIRCONNNN! The girls room was a lil quiet so Jassy and I went to the guys room! XD Played silly games, Gorgor and SS were super funny. XD Imma owned at Hai Dai, champ 3 times consec. WOOHOO! World record. :X

Traaaaaaaain! It was uber tiring, but I LIKE. :3

Lunch. Nice. Comfy. Fun. Not alone. (:

Train moar!

Keiko-ed with seniors. Damn tiring, but it made all the training we've done worthwhile. Of course, they gave us many many chances. Like...we would've been pwned otherwise.

Now I need to work on speed. (= I think...brute force, not my thing. XD

Dinner! Still ok. Fun to eat with everyone. We all waited for Nasu to break fast. Haha. Then all ate together. After taht, stoned for a bit before heading to AMK to buy breakfast for the next day...and in the end, I bought a pillow and noooooooooodles. (: KC shared his ben and jerry's with me.

Oh yea. Walking to AMK was awesome fun. XD Zhen Yi and I went maaaad and I managed to rope Luke in. We suddenly stopped and blocked the whole pathway and KC and SS couldn't move. :X And then I got pushed. XD HAHAHA.

And then ZY and I went crazy, playing hai dai as we walked, nito hai dai, and all that. Running like idiots, and just pure crapping. :3 My high is catching. Wooty doo! XD

Walking back, got MEN cuts from KC and Oli's pillow so I whacked them back, and the whole trip back basically consisted of that. =.=

Wakaka. JASSY you walked too much. ):

Went back. Settled stuff...

Eventually ended up sleeping on the stage with Jassy, red bull, and KC. Well, "sleeping". I had effectively ZERO hours of sleep, was too stuffy. =.= And I got squashed on the foot by Oli's foot. And Jassy and Oli kept waking up and going back to sleep. I gave up and took my mp3, plugged it in and stoned. Still didn't fall asleep. Before I knew it, 5.30 FINALLY came, and after a bit, people started waking up. Like Yong Gao, and ernest...tsk Bearbear woke up, stretched, then went back to bed. XD

Day 2:

PT. OMGAWD I deproved. I took the time I normally take for 6 rounds to run 5 rounds. Maybe me feeling off color had something to do with it. Finished the run, nearly vomitted. =.= After that, push ups. Poor guys had to do so many. And then...crunches. I had to stop halfway cos of my back.

Breakfast, headed to the canteen downstairs with KC and got kway teow. XD

Traaaaaaaaain. Hehe. Sweated like a mad pig that day. Like srsly, DRIP DRIP DRIP never ending. =.=

Lunch. Fell asleep on the stage. =.=

Traineeeeeeeed. More mad peeg sweating. And more keiko-ing. XD Keikoed with Sensei. Pwnage. :O

Dinner at pepper lunch with KC, Gregory, Abel, SS, Stanley and Oli. I think I put a LIL too much tabasco. I left a lil rice on the plate. :/

Decided to camp out on the stage with the same gang, just ET took over Jassy since Jassy was at home. XD KC and I had our noooodles, but I didn't really feel like eating so I shared with ET. After that, headed to bed.


Woke up with 6 mozzie bites. =.=

Day 3:

Sick. So I didn't train at all. Still managed to eat quite a bit.

Was depressing to just watch. Oli and ET are silly people who only know how to make ade freak out. =.=

Left my bottle behind. Got home. (:

Lazy. Just know that it was awesome. :3 never a minute alone. Well, more or less. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:03

Friday, 19 September 2008


So damn tired.

But so damn good.

More...when I wake up...on sunday morning. XD

I caught the flu, bloody hell. =.=

The world spins, and I spin along with it. =)

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:29

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Kendo camp!!

Off to kendo camp.

Awesome. :D

Just hope my back is all better.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:45

joy that knows no end

Sometimes I sit back and ask myself, am I really happier than I used to be back then.


And always. My conclusion is easily summed up.

Yes. (:

Kendo peeps are crazy, they always make me grin non-stop even when I'm tryna be serious. XD Or maybe I'm the crazy one, since I'm the one doing stuff like...snatching people's bags...kicking slippers, borrowing gorgor's HUGE slippers and stomping around in them. XD And then. There's the random giggling, and the poking.



I still doubt that would work on Sensei tho. =.=

And then, there's LOOOOOOOOOOOOUIS the crazy peegpeeg samurai. XD Heh, that guy is so random, I'm always set off into laughter when I talk to him. :P

And all my other friends, who make me the hyperactive keed I am cos I'm so happy being with them. (:

I AM happier than I used to be.

But that doesn't mean that I haven't lost anything, or that I've gained more than I've lost.

Because, there are things that could boost my happiness level like boosting a GF. Like, a Hi from 2 people who have blocked me since the middle ages, oh wait, make that 3.

I've learnt to look at the silver lining more.

Not that I'm tryan undermine the worth of my friends or anything.

Because without you guys, I might just be the emo keed I was those 2 months.

Or maybe not, as someone likes to say, I got here on my own, my friends just sped up the process. (:

I am happier for having lost. Because I grew.

I have lost yet gained. (:

If you were to come back, though.
It would be even better.

Because, friends aren't meant to be simply names on the walls.
Friends are people who are close to your heart, who LET you get close.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 11:57

Sunday, 14 September 2008


Wao. Rare visitor online. The 5th contact on my desktop is finally green. =O



Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:45


Now that's something new to me. =O

Well. Not really. But relatively rare. XD

Its getting colder down under. ):

Blureh's rubbing it in.


And. My psp is awesome sexy. :D

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:34

Friday, 12 September 2008

Maybe I've just got too much pride.

Or else I wouldn't be feeling like this now.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 03:02

Thursday, 11 September 2008

guess what?

Oh shit. I fell in. Hanging on desperately now, hoping it isn't a worthless battle.

But then...maybe falling in aint so bad...

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:35

What's wrong with me?

Meh. I need...

Do I need a new heart?

I wonder...what would ade with a stone cold heart be?
Could you answer that for me?

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:32

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

bored and upset

because I watched a documentary and men were killing animals heartlessly.


So I'm spamming quotes to spread the love. (:

A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you.
~Author Unknown

The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them. ~Stephen King

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The most beautiful view is the one I share with you. ~Author Unknown

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.
~Oscar Hammerstein, Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"

You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry. ~Author Unknown

manymany more here.

You notice though. That they all seem to assume of loving to be in the romantic manner.

Whatever happened to all the other forms of love?

Are they not worth knowing?

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:02

one bar of chocolate please.

I'm not emo...Honest. I'm not sad or anything. I'm just feeling nothing. =\

I think I ish falling sickz.

Tsk too many heaty stuffs. XD

Starfruit juice! x)

Right. Attempt to detoxify myself of all moody germs epic fail.

I giveeeeeee uppppp. =\

Imma just needa accept that I'm too awesome to comprehend. =X


I shall go and chomp down an entire bar of cadbury chocolate, and we'll see if I can still be sane after that.

I've got one foot in the grave already. Might as well jump in.

NOooooooo. I can't give up the fight. >.< How can I even think that. Imma need to do the right thing.

What IS the right thing?

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:45


feeeeeeeerget it. Imma just starve to death. I don't feel like eating rice. And the ingredients are not nice enough to eat on their own.

Ooh. Maybe, rice with mayo. :D

Maybe. Or maybe not. Like I said, I'll just starve to death. (:

I'm boreeeeeeeeeeeed. Skipping partner and all the rest of the Kendo gang I normally talk to online are at chaleeeeeeeet for the...other cca. >_< forgot what its called again. XD

And then...ET is playing spore until...tsk. Terrible. XD

And then...serzserz isn't online. ):

And then... Samurai aint ever online. =\

Gaaaah. Fionfion is offline too.

Sensei too! And Nasu aswell.

This is turning into a depressing list of who's not online. XD Imma bored, what else can I say. =X

There are some names which I am so used to seeing offline, that if they come in I'll probably get a heart attack. Uh of joy! Of joy. Perhaps. Or maybe I'd just lose it and start crying.


ET, if ya reading this, you need to phone home ok. Don't get lost in spore and never ever come home. =X

I wonder when the crazy people are gonna be back from chalet. :O


Tooo baaaaaaaaaaaaad those who like seeing Ade in "long" hair. Hehehe. =X

Right. Forget it. I forgot what important stuff I wanted to say anyway.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:09

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

tread carefully

At first I'd wanted to post this on my Livejournal, where I could just say it all without having to think of who'd read. But then, I decided it would be awesome to MAKE myself talk in riddles, so that no one really gets it. =O But then again...speaking in riddles comes naturally to me, never tried forcing it, so yea. Good challange.

Quite obvious this is personal then? Not quite. :P Hahaha its just not suited for certain eyes. Hm..actually, not really that either. It's just...weird. XD Hahahaha.

At the rate this is going, I'm gonna end up falling into a hole if I'm not careful. Its a dangerous path, I saw that right from the start, but there was something calling to me at the end of the road. =O

Still, now, walking, or attempting to tread this path, I find that its even more littered than I thought, and I cannot stand the thought of falling due to carelessness. It would be wrong, just wrong.

I had a goal. But I intend to reach it without falling. What if I fail? Would it just be against everything I stood for? Maybe. I don't really know.

Imma just gonna be me. That's the easiest way to walk without regrets. (:

Still, part of me wonders, why in the world did I choose that as a goal. O_O

Haha. And then my heart answers loud and clear.

Because, for some reason, I feel this is something necessary. Especially having heard some things, things I would hardly have expected.

My heart feels this is the right thing to do, so I do it. :D

Bleh. If I fall in, its no ones fault but my own. Who knows, it might be for the better. =O

Who am I kidding. XD Hahaha. No one, in truth. Cos we all don't know for sure.

Hmm. Irvine Kinneas. "I'd like to believe that I'm where I am because of the limited choices I was forced to make, the path that HAD to be followed."

Something like that. Haha. Yea. =X The moment I started talking, the deeper I delved, the more it led to this path. I'm here cos I choose to be. =O

Imma too pro to gets drowned animore anyways. =X

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:26

No moar what ifs.

Yea. From henceforth. NOT GONNA ASK WHAT IF.

Cos. Things end up a certain way for a reason. I believe that really really strongly. =D

Err. Moar on this next time. When I'm actually not brain dead.

Btw. Speaking in riddles is second nature to me for certain things. Tsk.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:13

coversation poem? O_O

I was bored on the bus so I wrote this. XD HAHAHA.

Losing all control,
Growing further from my goal,
Its not like I don't know,
Yet I stumbled like a newborn foal.

In the way a stream always flows,
So should your face forever be aglow.
But I see you fragile and alone,
So I vow to be your guardian against the foe.

I don't know where to go,
there's only darkness, no light to show
The path I should now follow,
This doubt, its eating me like the pain in my toe.

Like a wind my heart you stole,
Yet you think its just a joke,
Since you see not how you helped me grow,
Nor how close you have brought me back home.

I wish to believe it, your love
But ridiculous it seems, so I take a stroll
To have a good think, but I end up baking in a stove
The pain self-inflicted, enjoy the show.

Make any sense? I don't know. XD HAHAHA. I was sleepy okkkkk. ):

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:45

Monday, 8 September 2008

わたくし ばか ないです

: <

What's so nice to hit about my head?! ):

First it was KC with his shinai before training. Then before dinner, Nasu gave me a noogie. And at the traffic light, so many people. ):

Tsk bully innocent small girl only. : <

Yay, Nasu signed online. Hehe he kept his promise. (:

OK. Today was awesome. XD Fumikomi until...leg itchy. =.= Not pain but itchy. XD STOMP. Wahaha.

Anyway. My kikentaichi needs moar work. But its getting there. (: I just need more focus.

And dinner was crazy. XD We all went to 7-eleven to buy drinks, and then it started pouring.

Now how did we even get to 7-11 in the first place? Tsk. Cos ET was bringing meee to the lamian store but he got losted, and so we went to 7-11 first desu!

Then anyway. From there, walked to find that store, and ended up back where we were sitting. Turns out it was just 10 steps away in the OPPOSITE direction. Sheesh. Genius. XD

Then he started singing that Imma baka! Which is why my title, although I think there are errors all over the place. Tsk. XD

Baka bearbear! : < Bully me nia.

I had nicenice dumpling lamian! :D

And over dinner, SS was acting out stuffs from TF2. That guy is hilarious, I swear.

:D It was an awesome meal, and plus I was high the moment I reached school. WAKAKA. =X

Everything is ET's fault! =X Haha and when ET isn't around, its Nasu's fault! =X

Nasu forgot another promise when walking to mrt. Tsk. I reminded him soon enough. =X UDOOOOOOOON. XD Oishi desu!


Olioli, thank jooooooooo! And don't say you did nothing you stupid red bull. Over-humility is tskable. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:29


I think I figured it out. The monorism that is.

Meh. I need to get a new brain.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 03:09


Oh sweet lord of all things rich and chocolaty. Will the monorism never cease to exist?



Goodiness gracious. This has gone far enough.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:39

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Meh, that's not all there is to life

Tsk. This should really go on my Livejournal. But...I'm starting to like my blog again, with all the customisation! Tsk. =\ Plus the fact this was like a fresh sheet. =O

Anyway. Stupid question to ask, but I seriously don't know the answer even though I did it myself. =\

Why the heck to people like to treat life like all they live for is a relationship? You like someone, he doesn't like you the same way, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE.

Well, you are. But only if you let yourself. Waste away then, rot, who can you blame? Yourself, no one else.

Whilst my circumstances were largely different, this was a mistake I commited. Can't believe I let myself waste away like that. Never again. Tsk. Not worth it. Must smile moar. Second greatest gift to someone mah. =X

Relationships aren't all there is to life! And I wish very much for people to be able to see that without having to take the detour I had to, but some people...just keep getting their hearts broken AGAIN and AGAIN within 2-3 months of the other, and it seriously makes you wonder, how serious are they? Not serious enough to stick with it, too serious resulting in emo. Or maybe they're just too busy wallowing in self-pity.

I won't deny it. I did that too. Tsk. Never again.

Self-pity is one of the WORST things you can ever do to your body. Lamenting supposed losses, and how unlucky you are, and so busy lamenting are you that you fail to see the goodness that surrounds you.

So what if your feelings aren't reciprocrated? You won't die! I like someone, who knows I like him, and he doesn't return my feelings, but does it really matter? Do you see me whining about it?

Seriously, just because you like someone, doesn't mean he has to like you back and you two will end up together or "I will just dieeeeeee worhz"

Life is so much more than that. If only you let it be.

For 16 years of my life, I lived for the experience, I took risks, lived for so much. I let that stop, and I paid the price, and when I came out, a survivor somehow, I told myself, never again.

Sometimes, in fact...most of the time, a fall isn't a bad thing. For it is only from failure that you can fly higher than ever.

You know how those shows always says, when a person who has lost before, and an undefeated champion face off, there's always a character who says, "He's going to lose sooner or later. Because he doesn't know defeat."

It actually makes a lot of sense. Failure strengthens us. Falls teach us courage to pick ourselves up.

Whether you choose to learn it or not is a different thing altogther.

Just...don't let your life waste away because of a relationship. If its yours, it'll come to you. It'll all work out for the better, if you just let it.

Uh. Pertaining to how some might say this is blind faith...

I'll explain next time. Imma gonna do my night training now. Remind me k. Thanks. (:

ps YOU: Haha. Don't misunderstand this post k. I like things just the way they are. ^.^ Wouldn't choose to change a thing right now. x)

And I'm glad you liked the present. ^_^ I'm good, I know you think so. Lets all say it together. Ade is guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud. :D

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:07

That's where I'll be

When the world turns upside down
When all you see are frowns,
Don't you see, thats when you can depend on me
I'll be there for you when need be.

I might not be there on sunny days,
Because to my ownself I'll stay.
I'll smile and laugh with you, that's true,
But I might not stay all through.

It doesn't matter that you'll forget,
Or that I'll end up living in regret.
Because for now all that I can see,
Is that I can help you be free.

If ever you feel oh so weary,
Be sure to come and speak with me.
For its when the world turns upside down,
That there by your side I'll be.

AHAHAHAH! XD I just felt like writing that. Lit buffs, go analyze the author's intention as she was writing that if you want. =X

It aint aimed at a single person, no matter how it sound. x)

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:22

TEH Sunday

Hehehe. Awesome day. Well, sorta.

Opened my eyes, felt really moody, just like last night.

But after focusing everything onto my morning cuts, I was a lot better.

Mum and sis spoilt it before mass, I pushed it aside.

They spoilt it again over breakfast.

But anyway. I just ignored the breakfast one. XD

I'M DA STRONG NOW LOUIS. =X I'm catching up, muahaha! One day you can poke my muscles and I will be stronger than you. And it will be harderrrrrrrrr! =D Muahaha. I got pokable muscles.


Watching some stupid show on Channel 8 now. I only started cos I saw Bokken and Do and Tare. But its some stupid mama drama thing now. ):

Sigh. He drag his bokken on the floor like that. I feel the pain. >_<

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 11:13

strange and stranger

That's funny;

I forgot the one thing I thought I'd never forget, especially after seeing a friend suffer because he had forgotten the exact same thing.



Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:47

I'm tired but in no mood to sleep.

Don't ask me why, because I don't know myself.

It's definitely not that though.

It all started one fine saturday morning.

Yea. On and off since I woke up. Or rather, since I talked to mom for the first time.

Still, the irritation of that conversation wore off soon enough, as soon as Derek's suggestion brightened my mood up.

I think. The weird dream. Got to me worse than I thought. Even though it was \m/ and =D inside the dream...

I think I hated it. Or rather. I hated who I was inside of it.

Never. Ever.

Faltering, Flickering, Finishing light.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:37

I wish...

I wish it was 10 years before again.

When we all fought, but never held it against each other.

This is where the situation stands now.

Getting mad at someone for being whiney at a difficult time.
Sorry no cure?
Even if the person is ok now, you're so wrapped up in that mistake you fail to see it.
Or maybe you just don't want to, cos you don't care. Really?

And...what happened to our reunions? Everyone's so busy. ):

Oh the days when we were in Primary school and our only limitation was our parents calling us to go home.

The days when classes would be a madhouse, and the girls and guys would fight, with some peaceful people sitting quietly at one side but getting pulled in anyway.

The days when we'd disturb each other about supposed crushes. I still remember that time I got pushed to stand next to Jonathan. XD Hahaha hilarious. I was like a tomato. x)

Throwing the sticky padded alien toys at the walls for the heck of it.

The days of innocence and joy, no hard feelings.

Why do they seem so distant?

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:17

Saturday, 6 September 2008


Watch this.

Seriously, after watching this, I love Kendo more than ever, if that is even possible.

To just. Keiko with Taniguchi-Sensei.

His movements...His aura...Everything...


I am doing 400 tonight. After all, its just 50 more.


My heart is racing.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:41

Do you know what day it is today?

It's saturday! XD And tomorrow is..SUNDAY! =D

Tsk crazy. =\ Umm. Yea. Uh. Yay for Derek! Seriously, thanks for the suggestion. (: It's awesome.

I had a weird dream last night. Like. A weird weird dream. Seriously weird. One moment it was...then the next it was...and then they were...and then I was...and then...

Gawd. How does my brain work? If I ever did something like that in real life, kill me please. No, seriously. It's the ultimate taboo of my life. Well, more or less the ultimate. A big NONO.

Tsk. It was seriously damn freaking weird. I'm going to go into unintelligble rambling now. It was like...and I was like O_O and then I was like |-), and then it was like >W< (copied off Jassy's style), and then like. O_O and then. =.=" And then. =O And X) and =O and T_T and i_i and \m/.

Sigh. I don't get it. I hope its one of those dreams that mean nothing and is just stupid. I've been having a lot of those. =\


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 14:06

Do and Tare



I wore Do and Tare for the first time during training today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



It wasn't my very own, but it was awesomely kewl anyways!!!

It was too big. Far too big. I became fat all of a sudden. Banged into this and that. =\ HAHAHA.

But. <3 <3 <3.

Now I know, just hit hard, it don't hurt at all. AS LONG AS YOU HIT RIGHT. Not the armpit or whatever weird area.

It was awesome anyway. <3


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:56

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Smart partner plox

I just realised. If I ever were to end up with a life partner, he'd have to be smart. =O


Not so much smart, actually. More of...wise? =\ Cos if he were too dumb for me to have debates on stuff with, it would be pretty boring. I don't wanna be the only one teaching, I want to learn too. XD

Hahaha. Yesh. But then again. Who can tell what the future brings. =O

Not trying to say that I'm super wise or anything. But I will not undermine my contemplativity at the same time.


those bloody things that fly at lights. Bloody hell. Disturb the peace for something as pathetic as that. -.- Scream like no tomorrow you know. Crazy.

Hmm. Some insight I got from SK a while back. It's never going to be enough, throughout our whole lives, we should keep learning and growing, there's so much to see.

You only stop growing stronger when you think you're strong enough.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:36

challenging self

I present a challenge upon myself. To write an original series or fanfiction centering on the theme, the Seven deadly sins.

Chapter by chapter, or bits and pieces in chapters, no matter.

Woohoo. Should most likely be posted on my LJ. =D

And after the seven deadly sins, to balance it, the seven virtues.

After all, opposing tensions. =D

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 09:41

o_o you thunk?

I'm sitting here, having slept at 6, and woken up since 7. =.=

And the scary thing is, I'M PERFECTLY WIDE AWAKE.

Then again, maybe that isn't all that scary. I mean, its the situation EVERY Christmas. I sleep at 6, wake up by 8. -.- Last year, I slept at...7 plus...and woke up at 8 anyways.

I think maybe I should get tired more often. Meditative sleep auto maybe? =O Shifu Louis has yet to teach me that and I don't wanna ask right now cos he has prelims. =X

Ok...time to go beta. =\ Damn that stupid sue that kills my mood totally. I shall remedy it with some non-sueing of my own. Although I doubt I should do that cos it would seem so damn good that I'd post up some piece thats crap compared to my normal. -.-

Yea, the whole story is written that badly. =\

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 09:15

Wednesday, 3 September 2008



Maybe I don't suck at this html thing as badly as I thought. I had an idea on how to embed music without the player being seen, and it was correct! =O Hahahaha.

Typing this with my weighted gloves. Imba seh. You don't see how many typos I'm making cos I'm furiously backspacing. =D

Yea. So I changed my blog song, cos, uh. I don't know. I heard it off Fiona's blog, and I liked the tune, so I figured I'd check out the lyrics, which were pretty meaningful. Omg I typed meaning full there. XD Full concentration needed to blog la wth. =x

Nearly 11. Animania. \m/

Sheesh. XD My hands are so heavy now, its so hard to type, and yet the weight seems like nothing otherwise. =\ Wait until I wear it and do cuts. By 50, shiiiiiiit why so heavy. XD But I'm not too sure if I'll do that since...wear and tear...and...the gloves will diee super fast.

Can't wait for bogu. I wonder how many people have threatened death on me once bogu comes in and shiai starts. Hmmm....

Lesse. Bearbear. Sensei. KC I thunk. A few others? AHAHA.

Come and catch me if you can! XD

Uh, just kidding guys, don't turn me upside down and drop me off a 100-storey building.

Oh yea. I went to watch Wall.E with daddy just now. Its pretty good. XD Everyone was so phat, ole. XD

But it was pretty retarded. Retardedly funny. XD

Edit: Btw, not gonna spam lyrics here, unless I only want a part. To those wanting to know the lyrics of this song, click here.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:49

Two Things

1. I've got my weighted gloves. My hands feel light without them suddenly. =O

2. I managed to connect my PSP to the TV with the cable. =D Now I can have beeg screen for games, but its actually smaller than the full TV size, but its still huger than the PSP screen by a lot. XD

Wootydoo! And sunday is coming soon.

Woops. That's three things. =x

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:25

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Kendo! =D

Worked yesterday and today. Was so damn tired yesterday, that I went into deep sleep and kinda woke up in a trance when my dad first woke me up for kendo, that I fell asleep promptly. =\ So was late for training. T_T

But it was so awesome. Getting to see all the Kendo people again, doing our exercises again. Ahhh kendo. :D ET and some others can vouch for how hyper I got as training progressed. =x

Tomorrow going out with some of them. Err. So far only ET and me, and WenJun and co but they say at night? O_O I going out in the afternoon, prolly meeting ET for coffee and also for me to buy equipment for training. Muahaha. Weighted gloves ftw. =D

Ahh, Kendo is hearts zipping around and knocking people over. :P

Ima be late for friday. ): 3.30 teaching us how to dismantle shinai. Dammit. =\ Nehneh family day thing my sister needs me to attend with her. She said I could leave early tho. So I'ma try NOT to be late. (: For training at the very least.

Oh yea. Here's a really funny thing Oli and ET did yesterday. XD

*Do the ET phone home thing*
Oli: The number you're calling is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

AHhaha. Not word for word but you get the picture. ^^

Wooo. Off to give a SORT of review for an excellent read, and then going to...uh...

Play sims I guess. =\

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:10


Click to view links. :)

Avril (Oinkoink =3)
Brandon (Gor =3)
Cheng Hao
Fiona (Mummy =3)
Jaslyn (Skipping Partner =3)
Jason (Teddy Bear =3)
Jia Ying
Jonathan (Heehaw =3)
Michelle (Da Jie =3)
Serjia (Puppy =3)
Yi Lin (moomoo =3)
Yong Gao (Gorgor =3)

August 2008
September 2008
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basecode - shiyuan (:
pic n editing - eXodefence
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