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Thursday, 29 January 2009

and I realised

I haven't blogged in quite a long while. :P

Ok. Editing got switched from having a full week to having all of 4 hours. We finished in about 3 tho, but BOTH times we tried rendering, our file was 1gb. And then Lydia just TOUCHED the freaking mouse and did the clicking for us, settings remained the same, and suddenly it was 16mb. WTF >.<

Hahaha. That aside, I'm quite happy with the result, thanks to all our talents who helped. ^.^

Today was Randal's. I'm glad its over. Shall not elaborate.

So. I'm essentially free beside Interviewing, and Dreamweaver ICA, which quite frankly, is screwed. I HATE DREAMWEAVER. D:

Well. Off to. Eat dinner. And then. Get some mirror's edge in. :D


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:17

Thursday, 22 January 2009


tsk. its always like that. Feel troubled about something. Try not to think so much. Yet somehow, without trying, everything seems to confirm your worries. Or if it doesn't, you unavoidably think about it.

Running around and around in circles, just desperately running, hoping to reach the finish line, but there is NO finish line because it is, after all, a circle, with no beginning or an end.

Run...and run.

Try and get past it. Try your very best to ignore it. Make a resolution. Feel better. Then it all crashes down on you again.

I hate this feeling, I hate it beyond anything I have ever hated in my life.

And I just keep running, stumbling around in the dark, not even bothering to feel ahead in teh darkness since I can't see. And each stumble adds a desperation, a heart-wrenching fear inside, and panic consumes from within, and you stumble more and MORE.

And before you know it, you feel yourself falling for teh first time.

If you're lucky, its just a small dent in teh road, you can get back up easily.

But sooner or later, there's gonna come a hole 7 foot deep.

And if you survive the fall, you're gonna have to find some way to get back up with broken limbs and whatever.

And tehn you can't run anymore, you can only drag your feet.

And the darkness keeps expanding. Getting bigger and bigger. Left deeper and deeper.

All at once, teh darkness disappears. But does it really?

Or is it still there, deep inside?

Its time. I made up my mind on teh bus just now.

But still. I don't like this feeling.

This sucks. :(

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:47

and this little bird wonders

if its about time to give up trying to fly above the mountain.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:17

weird. not freaky. or maybe a bit freaky

I had a really really really odd dream. XD It wasn't silent hill freaky. so no, its not stress from silent hill.

Lets see. walking. it seemed like school's corridors. then. talking. then. 0_0. and. suddenly. turn mom's room? like. my mom's room is in school? and even better, its her bedroom from our old place which is LONG GONE. and then. weird aircon. that you on the room aircon. then the on at the study room, will on, except, this one is like a water cooler, and its right outside her door, near the toilet door. but its not a water cooler. AIRCON GAS COMES OUT OF IT ZOMGWTFBBQHAX.

And then. we start playing some strange card game. someone. whom i was walking and talking with. starts crying. O_O cos gonna beat some other...guy? and then. O_O

and then i wake up, and think.



Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 11:31

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

awesome day

Lets see. Filming was really draining, but it was really fun as well. ^.^

Thanks to moomoocow, oinkoink and hee haw for being our talents. :D

Yes heehaw, you'll get oscars one day. the jomjom oscars. :P

After taht, we went to YCK mrt where we met Samurai.

He made the biggest mistake of his life by showing me his XD I confiscated it. ;) Until night time. :P

Arcade, finished the whole of silent hill in three continues, improved tremendously from my first time. XD

Sore throat from yelling. =.= But somehow, when i start yelling, i hit more things. XD

Basketball. And then dinner. And carcar game. I drifted. ;)

Hahahaha. Today was awesome fun. So sad oinkoink had to leave earlier. :(

after that was moo and me teaming up vs the samurai. And he claims he can't hit girls, so i had an unfair advantage. YAY. XD

But. Today was so epic. Haha. <3

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:31

Saturday, 17 January 2009

stand on my own two feet

because I can't keep depending on others, can i?

And yet I learnt the hard way once, never to bottle it up.

But I just don't feel like talking about it.

I think this wednesday is more important to me than I thought. For more than obvious reasons.

A farm outing with a sadistic samurai. Bad combination. Tsk. Better bring a fire extinguisher. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:21

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Total madness

Was up till like. 4. Finishing up with the exporting. Cos there were problems here and there. But anyways. Its done now, finally, and I'm uploading. My new AMV if you guys haven't realised. :P Hahahaha.

Gundam 00 again, a PROPER one this time. XD

You know what really shocks me? The fact that I listen and I can sorta remember what I want placed inside, the exact thing happening in the clip, but not the bloody episode. XD hahaha.

Oh well, I'll leave you guys to stare at this l33t timeline. I think you can't even see some cuts because this is so effing zoomed out, but I wanted to show you the whole timeline at one shot. The bit at the end is just a bit more to the end, so nothing's missed. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 09:45

Saturday, 10 January 2009


It's up and running, my new com that is.

And I'm using chrome for this desktop.

The keyboard is gonna take a little getting used to.


\lets try not backspacing my mistakes.

\I'm erally really tired. :/

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:58

Thursday, 8 January 2009




I just read what I daresay is one of the WORST fanfics I have EVER read in my life...

Shit. Now I'm reminded of why I NEVER read stories unless the summaries were REALLY REALLY good.

I should have expected it from the title and summary I guess.

The things I do when I'm sleepy. Sigh. I'm going to have nightmares or something. XD

Sigh. Haven't done this in awhile.

Summary: Yoh and his friends are the richest and most popular guys in their school. What if Yoh will fall in love to a transferee student that is known for her coldhearted attitude and has a nickname “ice queen”.. What do you think will his friends be thinking about him if they found out?


Fall in love to...

gawd, you know what? I'll give this its proper place. Now if I can only find that forum...

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:02

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

days like this make me even gladder I'm where I am.

Today was cool. One of those ultra cool days that you actually want to blog about. Seriously.

We DMSM were treated to a fantastic guest speaker today. We had a film clinic, and Mr Royston Tan, director of 881 and 12 lotus amongst recent works, came over to talk to us about what its like to be a film director and all.

I can't really mention some of what we said, but lets just say Cut owns MDA rap. XD

Although we didn't mention MDA rap. But the MDA rap was pretty extreme. XD

It was SO cool, but it truly is tough to be a filmmaker in Singapore.

There are cool bits IF you're an award winning dude tho.

Still, experiences like these make it even more awesome to be in poly.

HAH! You JC poker faces (*coughcough dolphin poker face) don't get extreme cools like this. ;) Then again, my course is full of cooly retarded examples, more or less. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 22:10

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Has anything really changed?

Y'know, I say I don't really care, but perhaps I do. I was so frantic when it felt so different, I went one huge round, and when the day came, I was so busy looking for another answer that I didn't realise I'd missed out on what I really needed.

The fact was that it wasn't different in a bad way, or all that different at all.

Hahaha. Just a random thought. :/

Aizawa Lyn. With long hair. And a Katana instead of that fat sword. I like. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:13

Saturday, 3 January 2009


My second amv took over what took my first...a over 2 days.

Insanity. :P Gundam 00 really is SUPER popular la XD Especially since its still on-going. Tsk. XD

Andand. Louis is the magic music finder! Thanks much again!!!!!!!!

Now I just need to get my com all settled, and I can start a wave of amvs. XD


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:35

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy new year!

:D May the year ahead be a blessed one for everyone.

I'm posting up some random resolutions (unbelievable for some) because I'm bored.

1. COOK MORE. Yesterday's Miso Udon was niceee, and my miso soup is getting tastier, and I can put in tofu now, unlike the plain soup of yesteryear. Next comes the meat soup and stir fry! XD Cooking for meself gives a strange sense of accomplishment, especially when its DELISH. :D Plus, might as well make use of my sensitive taste buds right?

2. Update fanfiction more regularly. :3

3. Actually put in effort and COMPLETE nano this year.

4. don't get lazy cos scriptfrenzy is too easy. :3


K. Off to do my Gundam 00 episode 13 review, before watching rurouni kenshin. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:40


Click to view links. :)

Avril (Oinkoink =3)
Brandon (Gor =3)
Cheng Hao
Fiona (Mummy =3)
Jaslyn (Skipping Partner =3)
Jason (Teddy Bear =3)
Jia Ying
Jonathan (Heehaw =3)
Michelle (Da Jie =3)
Serjia (Puppy =3)
Yi Lin (moomoo =3)
Yong Gao (Gorgor =3)

August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009


basecode - shiyuan (:
pic n editing - eXodefence
thanks and
copyrighted 08
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