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Sunday, 29 March 2009


Yay for tonight! Meeting up with some of 4/8 was awesome. :D

Kinda lazy to blog about the whole thing...haha. But it was fun. Lynette's phone is cool, and it has a gundam game! beyond awesome. :P


And I just remembered, I have candy in my bag. Got it from candy empire. :) My favouriteeeeee.


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:57

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Haha. Just felt like doing that. I finally reached 200 posts on this new blog, second time around for the link I guess. :D Hahaha.

Gah. So...warm. From inside and out. I drank a bit of barcadi mixed with pineapple juice...and lime after...but...

My brain doesn't even feel as screwed up as the time when I drank a small bottle of sake. :O 300ml. -.-" But I feel a lot hotter. Maybe cos I was in aircon then, and didn't run up and down the stairs.

Ahh well, this is the 200erd post, I should be saying something...special to commemorate! :p


Gundam 00 second season final episode out tomorrow! More Setsuna and 0 raiser pwnage! Plus, final face off against a evil mastermind! :D The epic final battle dawns tomorrow! I can't wait. :D

Ok. Special enough.

And I have done absolutely no writing. D: I need to start once I get home from teh reunion.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 15:52

Friday, 27 March 2009

I am

the very definition of the term "oxymoron".

In other news. I managed to spot a translation error. Sure, the line in itself is easy to figure out once you got a word or two right. BUT I SPOTTED IT. Means I beat that translator. Says a lot about him/her.

Random things cos I'm feeling bored.

Raven's gate is sitting next to me now. I want to read it.

But I shall not be reading it, because of a promise I made.

I shall instead be rushing out (without quite so much rushing) chapter 4 of my SK fanfic.

That gives me about...5 days (including today), to finish a chapter. If I fail, I can go for desperate measures next time like locking myself in the toilet or closet with pen and paper, and writing it out there. Or maybe the storeroom under the stairs for light. With the strong...smell. Not odor, but not scent. Just. Smell.

The flaw in the plan, if I'm the one locking myself in, I either 1. am able to get out anytime, or 2. have to trouble my parents to get me out only when i'm done. The flaw in 1. screams at you, if you can't spot it you're in trouble, and in 2. my parents will probably think I'm crazy.

So I obviously have to find alternatives.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:35


What I've been feeling is wrong is that I'm and emotional wreck.

Without being quite so emotional, or feeling quite so wrecked.
Or maybe, I am, but don't realise it. D:

Screwed. :o

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 17:00

Toradora 25!

 Ok! I forgive episode 24 for being bullshit, since it was sort of leading up to this. Certainly, there would've been better ways to bring things to the ending, but it turned out sorta nice so I can forgive episode 24 now. :3

Given, it wasn't awesome, but it was a nice ending.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 11:03

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Pre-Toradora 25

According to the group that released this, this episode tied things up pretty well.

"So that's what the shitty episode 24 was for, eh?"

So. I guess that means it'll make up for the epic phail. Am expecting quite a bit now, think I might just be disappointed. :p

Still, waiting to see the end of a series which started off pretty good, went right down to beyond bad in one episode, who knows, maybe the ending can make it a EXCELLENT series all of a sudden. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 17:51


My head hurts like crap and it feels so fuzzy I have no idea whether I'm thinking straight or not.

But for some reason. I can't sleep. GAH.

Random bouts of insomnia FTL. D:

I just can't sleeeeeeeeeeep. T___T

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 03:28

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Nearly done for the flashback part of my next SK fanfic update. There's still the present-day part.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this chapter a lot, even though its being such a pain and lengthening itself through various forms of trickery. It's just tiring, I was up till 3 last night, and woke up rather early today. And not all of that has been spent on actual writing. Planning and choreographing scenes took up quite a bit of time too, as did procrastination.

See, when Ade gets writing, nothing can stop her. She'll even forgo food to continue! Nothing, absolutely NOTHING can stop her. Except for one deadly poison.

A writer's block. When I stumble onto difficult parts which I can't seem to get right, man, the things I do to distract myself. Even thinking in circles is better than actually typing ideas out. :P

Still, blocks and doubts and all, I'm at the...ending mark for the first part of the update. And let me tell you, this ending IS something to speak of, because its the length of my previous two updates COMBINED. XD And I'm not even done for this act yet. Meh.

Well. At emo goodbye run away muahaha part now, so...enough procrastination. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:29

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

A new post cos blogger pissed me off

What I hate about blogger:


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 13:01

So, apparently

Gundam 00 Episode 24 was nothing short of epic. Aeolia gave Setsuna cheat codes, poor little Katagiri finally got his girl, and was so happy about it he forgot he held the remote control for the killer robots he had unleashed upon the ship, and proceeded to get them with a handgun. Rather sweet end (I hope) to Louise and Saji's conflict, aww, hugs and kisses. Well, just a really big hug. Also, no Marina song. Three Cheers to that. :D

Can't wait for episode 25. :3

And another apparently. Apparently, I'm from RGS! HAHAHA. Nah, but I got asked this by a lady at the hospital, and you know what? CHIJ Toa Payoh still holds the stereotype image of "good english speakers", although the fact that she asked whether I was from RGS does say a lot. :P "No wonder" just doesn't cut it as an afterword. HAHAHA.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:48

Monday, 23 March 2009

With broken wings, even you can't fly high.

Found it written on a random piece of paper. Have no idea whether I read it somewhere or came up with it by myself.

But it's true, at least to me. :)

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:38

Sunday, 22 March 2009


Some weird fortune telling...quiz...thingy. That Jassy tagged me On facebook. Posting the results here for all to LOL at how unlike me some stuff are. :P AND the bad english. :/

You are Red Monkey, whose simple and natural personality is easily understood by those around you. 
(Ok...makes sense so far.)

You can make others feel safe.
(If you say so?)

You will take on any favor asked, and have a strong volunteer spirits.
(Not really. I volunteer when I want to.)

Even if you get angry, you don't hold that against people for long time.
(Ooh. True on most counts.)

You are simple forthright person.
(I...guess so?)

You are a person with sensitivity.
If you use this sensitivity at work and in hobbies, you will achieve great results.
(Ok...Sensitivity in what sense? Heh. Oversensitive SENSES are right, anything else...who knows?)

You should learn a lot while young, and use that experience to help the society in the future.
(Ok...Haha. *learns by anime*)

You also possess great talent in carrying out matters and handling it efficiently.  

You are a very active person.
(True enough? Unless I wanna stay at home nothing.)

You are smart and calculating.
(This makes me sound more like...sly...and cunning. O_O)

You can be rather short tempered, and will not tell your true feelings.
This may make you bit lonely, so don't forget to have a broad mind.
(Ok...short tempered, check. Hides true feelings? Sometimes. Broad enough so far, I hope.)

You are a quick learner, so you will be favored by your boss.
But if there isn't a person who can set an example, you can not carry out work efficiently.
You may be suited to stay as number two than to stand at the top.
(That suits me to a tee, I think. Quick...I guess. Needs example, most of the time, but can learn by self equally well anyway. Does that make me gay hax?)

You are independent and keeps your own pace.
So it may be better to keep away from the impossible.
(Yada yada. I actually like teh impossible. I come out stronger from failure. ^_^)

Because you are a popular person, you will be asked out by many people.
Try and turn down offers nicely, or you may disturb the living pace and your own personal relationships.
(Ok. This is just NOT true. HAHAHA especially about teh asked out by many people. :P)

Your marriage fortune is very good.  
You will do great as a housewife and also as the person committed to do good for the society.
(OH SHIT HOUSEWIFE? NOOOOOOOOOO. If I do get married, I'll PUNCH the person who tries to turn me into housewife. Doing gay little things like cleaning, cooking, washing, gossiping, NOT my kinda thing. I have dreams and goals. BLEH TO YOU!)

HAHAHAHAHA. Fortune telling is bullshit. XD And here's why.

Most of them go by date. The thing is, many people born withing the same month can be completely different, but get the same fortune telling results! These results are rigged so that at least one truth will apply to most people and...VIOLA! :D

No scientific proof I'm giving, can't be bothered to look, but if you don't believe me, get two people born under the same horoscope to take any such "horoscope" quiz. :P Make sure they're really different in personality too! Ahh, the wonder of stereotypes. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:56

Saturday, 21 March 2009


Dug out some really old pieces of paper that I brought over from the old house and threw into my closet along with all my precious books. Heh. Read through them, feels really nostalgic.

Ahh, the age where I was obsessed with the name Alex cause of its meaning "brave warrior" or something to that effect. Where I wanted my male and female protaganists to be called Alex and Alexandra respectively, but was sorely disappointed cos I realised how lame it would be that all of the characters sounded like they had the same name. :p

If I remember correctly, that one was started waaaaay back in primary school. I still remember crying when I thought I'd lost all my files in that sorry excuse of a computer. XD The late nights, waking up at 2am when my parents were all asleep and couldn't bug me to sleep, and ears always pricked for teh slightest sound of my dad waking to go to the toilet. JUMP INTO BED AND PRETEND YOU'RE SLEEPING. Heh.

It's always been precious to me, even before I considered doing it seriously. In secondary school, there were the random stories and poems that I thought up and shared with my classmates, although I never finished the "novel" I was working on. If I remember correctly, it was a Gundam Seed fanfiction. VERY Mary-Sue OC. :P

Mary-Sue...Gary-Stu's, I insist those are necessary to a good fantasy story, and they actually are, but only if constructed the right way. Not all-powerful sues and stus, but human ones who have the strength to surpass obstacles. Or something. :P

All my RenOC ideas. :P Tsk. A wave of at least 10, only 5 of which made it to my ideas book, and only 1 written out so far. Back then, I thought, "So many ideas, so little time. i'll be 20 by the time I write them all."

MY DEDICATED HAO OC. Chapter in progress and untouched for 2 years or more. :/ HAHAHAH.

I think...I need to start making a serious effort soon. I'll never live through it if all I ever managed were half-assed attempts that flopped and if I gave up just because of those flops.

Manga partners, anyone? Like Bakuman! I got many many manga-type ideas that just would FAIL if only expressed through words. Haha. Or maybe not so many. But. It IS something I wanna do as well.

It all began when a little tomboy with an overactive imagination was born. There's no escape, my brain is always churning up crazy stories, whether I actually get around to writing them or not.

A tribute maybe. Maybe memories flooding from nostalgia which I just wanted to write out. This post turned out way longer than it should be. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:27

Toradora 24

Right. I was planning to go to sleep after that last post. But then toradora 24 finished downloading. so I watched it. And...

I won't go and make this a published review on my wordpress because my opinions on this episode are simply too biased at this a personal rant here to help me shove this off before I head to bed.


No, seriously, this ONE episode makes me wanna hate the whole world of toradora and how effing screwed up it is. I've had issues with the Taiga x Ryuji pairing for awhile now...but this went beyond having issues.

Lets see. Minorin has been shoved aside. Ryuji suddenly decides he's in love with Taiga and suggests they run away and get married right after having ran away from their two very angry mothers and having said VERY VERY VERY BASTARD things to his mother...

Screwed up kid number 1.

Taiga...says that everything she's ever wished for has ended up breaking. So she wants to break the jinx. AND WOWEE THE ONLY THING IN HER STUPID HEAD THAT MEANS BREAKING IS MARRYING RYUJI! AS IF HAVING RYUJI RETURN HER FEELINGS WAS NOT ENOUGH ALREADY. BAKA!!!

Screwed up kid number 2.

Minorin says she doesn't encourage their actions...and hands them her checkbook. -.- WAY TO GO GENIUS. Is what I wanted to say at first. But what she said after makes sense, that she has no right to decide what they're gonna do and if that's what they wanna do....

Right. You know what? That's not excuse enough. You don't have the right to decide what they're gonna do, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAND THEM YOUR EFFING CHECKBOOK. They wanna do something asshole stupid like running away, LET THEM FACE THEIR OWN EFFING TROUBLES AND SOLVE IT ON THEIR OWN. After all, they think they're ADULT enough. SMACK THEM IN THE FACE WITH IT.

But Minorin...really...cried. And I feel kinda sorry for her. But kinda pissed off as well.

So we'll label her not-so screwed up kid number 3.

Oh wait! Did I forget to mention that Ryuji went home to get stuff, found his mother had run away AND DIDN'T EFFING CARE ENOUGH TO CALL OF RUNNING AWAY WITH TAIGA TO FIND HER?! SHE WAS STILL SICK AND ALL! WTF. One episode he needs to grow some balls. Next episode his balls are the effing size of an apartment building.

SUPER screwed up kid number 1.


SUPER screwed up kid number 2.

And yada yada yada. Kitamura was a baka too. and...ami...


After all has been said and done, THERE IS STILL NO DEVELOPMENT ON AMI'S PART! It was like, hey, it'll be fun to have a blue haired model in here. So lets throw her in. She'll fall in love with Ryuji and we'll toy with the viewers because they'll never know for sure if she's in love with the guy! And we don't even need to do closure or development on her because she's just a random minor character we decide to make major!


I'm just jumping with excitement to see how much of a fucktard the final episode will be. I HOPE it's the final episode. I don't know if I can bring myself to watch it after today's MORE THAN EPIC FAIL. But I will, who knows, it might redeem the disaster that was episode 24.

Now to edit out all the FUCKING and change them to effing. -.- Any left uncensored are purely unintentional, apart from the last two, just because.

Told you guys it was extremely biased. =.=

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 02:26

Lets see

Time really waits for no man. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but that's a fact so we'll have to live with it.

I succeeded with something I told myself to do a while back, so I think I can throw away that paper I wrote it on. But then again, it'll be good to keep it as a reminder. Ah, whatever, the little bird has taken flight! w00t. :P

Not sure as to how exactly things work inside of me right now, in more ways than one. For one, my physical body has been going crazy. Inner turmoil...not really existant at this point of time, and when it does exist, feels like nothing more than a hot day. Irritating but bearable. Haha. But however things are working, I got past what I deemed to be a barrier. w00t.


Ok. I do realise that I am being VERY random here. I'll continue, cos my eye...well...I can't find my eye mo and it gets worse when I rub. So. HANDS OFF. Heh.

I heh and meh a lot more nowadays. :O

Remembered some stuff, not even a twinge of regret. Good cos...well, its bad to regret anything right? Bad cos. Maybe it means I'm heartless! :O

Joined a New Zealand Hogwarts roleplay...thingy...with Jassy. So far I have one account, her twin brother (BIG surprise there eh?), Akira Akamatsu. google it if you're interested cos I'm lazy to link, since my internet is LAGGING, prolly due to the godly amounts of things I'm downloading. Heh.

Huntik has a pretty good concept but very rushed development IMO. It's like. Little gay boy meets genius girl. Has crush on her. Girl likes genius adult guy (no worries, she's at least in college, i think), and then...out of the blue.


Seriously, GAY. And I lol at the suddeness, cheesiness and forcefulness of her so called CONFESSION.

"I like you" HUGS.

Nowhere close, dudes. NOT EVEN THAT.

"Your energy keeps us all going. Keeps me going at least." HUGS.

She barely finishes her line and goes on to hug him. I knew that english dubs for anime were screwed, but C'MON! Your own animation too?! You need better voice actors.

Eh, that was a sudden review of huntik. :O Let's turn our attention to Gundam 00 then.

Still with me? I commend you. :P


Speaking of reviews. I could probably turn in an official review on my wordpress for Huntik. :P a tag and category CARTOON. That would work. And I owe for gundam. and toradora.

RYUJI NEEDS TO GROW SOME BALLS. quoted from the fansub group's release post. Coalguys. :)

I've been watching slash reading too much black cat lately. Chionged 185? chapters in a day. And 6 episodes (the rest are not on hand). GAWD. :/ that stupid XD face is stuck to my head now. No seriously.



Not that I dislike it or anything, I find the series rather good, and I like the weapons they use. :) I mean, a steel ball with THRUSTERS?! That's as godlike as a gundam, only...IT HAS MORE BALLS.

Now, the funniest story is how I was accquainted with this series. In vietnam, hotel room, bored, animax. DUB. D:

Well, it was near the end anyways. So there was really minimal talking. The guy in the black coat looked epic cool. Plus he had a cool gun. :P Someone mentioned black cat. Took note, figured i'd find something from that, came home and wikied. XD

I had NO life the last few hours in vietnam spent in the hotel. 2 TIMES i watched HSM. gawd. :/ But it was the best thing on teevee. And Gintama...well...watching it on a small screen kinda gave me headache. :P


I think I'm pretty much done. Ohoh Fiona! If you see this. I got .hack! :D

Adieu for now. Heh.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:33

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Back from vietnam! Although not many people knew I was going since I didn't say anything. :P heh. Oopsie?

But! Pics another time. I'm just making this quick rant in the midst of my planning for fanfic. Because I just thought the STUPIDEST thing.

I got all hyped up over this ability my character would have. See, she had a near death encounter and that led to her being able to see ghosts. cool right?

The only problem is...the fandom is SHAMAN KING. They see ghosts there like there's no tomorrow! Blooody hell. -.-

Hahahaha. probably one of the stupidest mistakes i've ever made. -.- wanting to make a shaman see ghosts. ;/

I guess I start rofling at myself. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:50

Friday, 6 March 2009


Am in pain.

Nuff said. ;_;

That aside, I got my new keyboard. It's so much nicer to press. :D

yes, no more stiff buttons which are damn tiring to press. No more awkward slash button beside the left shift key. Hooray!

The only nit I have to pick, is the backspace key. It's a little...smaller than standard. :/

Which results in \ instead of a backspace. heh.

I'm bored. And tired. And not going for training later. Not just cos I can't train. It's damn uncomfortable to sit there like that. :/ With my arm in its current state.

Wondering if I should go see a doctor. Then again, what can a doctor do?

"you pulled your muscle. Rest. we'll put your arm in cast and sling."
"But teh more it stays bent, the more it hurts!"
"Then...nothing I can do..."



T__T Can't bike tml. I guess that leaves blading out of the question since I can't brake.

One-handed biking maybe? :(

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 15:56

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Yesterday's was ok. It was a bit bland, and well-done, but it was passable. Barely. :/

Today was epic win. XD It was medium, a lil too salty, nice and juicy, and awesome. :D

Look's like I'll make it in time. :D

Now to get baked potatos right. :S

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 15:54

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Trust You (full size)

The intro sounds really good. >_>

Lacrimosa from Kuroshitsuji was released today too. Shall get it soon. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 18:40


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Avril (Oinkoink =3)
Brandon (Gor =3)
Cheng Hao
Fiona (Mummy =3)
Jaslyn (Skipping Partner =3)
Jason (Teddy Bear =3)
Jia Ying
Jonathan (Heehaw =3)
Michelle (Da Jie =3)
Serjia (Puppy =3)
Yi Lin (moomoo =3)
Yong Gao (Gorgor =3)

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basecode - shiyuan (:
pic n editing - eXodefence
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