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Tuesday, 28 April 2009


so tired. >.<

night classes have been cancelled, it wasn't just my imagination, so. yay.

i wanna drive

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:00

Friday, 24 April 2009

OMG. Just. DIE

FUCK. Today is just a fucking bad day.

Hairdressers was closed. After going all the way down.

Went to Boon Keng for beef noodles, that was closed too.

Effing list is fucking fail.

fucking brat goes all fucking prickish on me.

Slept all the stress off, plus kendo was fun. :) Welcome to all our new juniors! :D

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 13:21


K. Quickie before I go cut my hair. Muahahaha.

Clubcrawl was great fun, but now it leaves me with a sexy voice. -.-" I'm soooo screwed later. XD

Both concussed. Well, sorta. :P First day, got hit by a shinai on the head. Wasn't wearing men. :P

Second day was waaay more epic. I didn't even see that one coming. :P The whole sword stand, with two Iaitos and a bokken came tumbling down on to my head. XD I blame no one, just the table! XD

Well. Sexy voice is painful. I want my old voice back please. And also. Lemme...go cut hair now. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 09:52

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Gay hax ears.

W00t. So like, got posted to this random youtube video by Louis, and we were trying to figure out what the song was. So I decided to help using my cheat code hearing. But screwed up the quality, and it was like...Fuzzy, so I couldn't figure out and whole phrase to start my search on.

So I spammed words. And searched. And searched. And finally, i found it. ^_^

You and me make a good team, eh? I do the title searching, and you find the song itself. Heh.

W00t. Happy. Plus the song is nice. Plus I haven't changed blogsongs in awhile. So. :P Here it is.

Starry Heavens, its from tales of symphonia. ;)

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 19:45


Yes. Set up booth. Stuff happened. Fun.

Went to AMK hub with Luke and ET to buy bamboo poles. :P MUAHAHA. >.<

It was just. fun.

Rawr. too tired to really think.

Plus. I'm concentrating all my energies on something more serious.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 17:55

Insomniac for 2 nights. -.- RAWR. My head really hurts now. Gah.

And then, I wanted to post this random rant on blogger, but there seems to be some kinda problem. -.- Like...the page is just not loading. LOL. Effing genius.

OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHICKEN PIE. X.X I know my swears are getting random, but who cares. ;) And chicken pie is good. I'm starving. @_@

Yea. Two hours sleep. That's it. My body's going to give way sooner or later if this insomnia drags, and I have a pretty good feeling it will. -.-" No seriously, I don't think this time's insomnia is quite so...random?

Gawd, but you can't say I didn't try! I really tried to clear it all...but...

Well, at least I managed to fall asleep at nearly 3.

And then I'm awake now cos like...I just...woke up. :P I set my alarm for 6, so I thought, ahh, what the heck, lets just get up with it already.

But now I really really want those extra two hours. Which have just become a single hour. Amazingly. :P

Minced Eggs, I think I'm going to bump my head...or do something stupid...later. I just...really think so. x.x So...effing...tired. But can't. Sleep. RAWR.

Is it something about teh dark? Cos I slept no prob in the afternoon. x.x


No. Effing. Way. Lol.

And now the posting page FINALLY loaded, so Imma copy this whole chunk to Blogger. :P
And now I hate blogger. Cos they don't let me do my squinty faces. Rawr.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 05:09


I think I shall do something I haven't done in awhile. Who cares if I get less sleep, its not like I get to sleep like that anyway. I just feel too...odd?

So imma just sit...and think. :3

For as long as it takes. To clear my head up.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:42


Hmm. Get the feeling I'm going to be turning to livejournal a lot from now on, since I can lock the posts there. I'm starting to feel the need to get things out of my system, things that would not be very appropriate for certain people to read, family probably included. Lol.

Those who got me added on livejournal, this means more work for you. MUAHAHA. Of course, not that you actually got to read it. >.> But...It IS friend's only for a reason. ^^;;

Right. XD Now that I've pumped some stuff outta my system...time to head to bed. I wanna try and wake up at 6am tomorrow, for various reasons. Maybe tonight I'll get insomnia again. I've got enough on my mind. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:26

Monday, 20 April 2009


RAWR. This is getting out of hand. Lol.

On another note. I feel terrible. >.> Rawr. Got a new sound system tho. :3 Logitech LS21. From Godma. :3 It's pwnage. :D Thanks! :D

Right. Can't really blog about it anyways. So. HAHAHA. I don't even know know why I'm typing this out. -.-

I don't think I've been this afraid in a long while. ^^;

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 18:21

Dulce Locura

Lawl. Louis omg, you listen to emo songs too! xD I mean...the melody is awesome and all~ And I did ask you to send it to me...but. xD

The lyrics seem incredibly emo! xD Or rather, teh translation. And unless the translator was horribly off, I think it is pretty emo. :S I have no way of knowing... >.> Maybe I'll ask someone who does... :O

Hahaha. Ok. Just felt like writing that. The weird feeling is back again, and I'm not getting very happy thoughts from this. To be more precise, the thought process is going haywire. O_O Don't ask how, can't tell. ;) Hi-Mit-Su! :D

Yaya. Guess I should sleep. Still sick and all, plus...Lawl, not like I'm on solstice as I normally am anyways. And's starting soon. And then...

Meh. I'm tired. So...whatever. Shall just...block out the thought process for now. Lolol lest I arrive at horribly odd or untrue conclusions. O_o

It feels vaguely familiar...yet not really. But for now, denial seems a better choice than arriving at the wrong conclusion? Although don't you feel sometimes when you're in denial...the weird thoughts come to you more...and you end up believing something that was never true in the first place? @_@

All this thinking is driving me nuts. Lol. Plus my massive miagraine. That just...suddenly started.


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:12

Sunday, 19 April 2009





Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:39

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Omg I suck. >.<

Lolol. Suddenly, I'm reminded of the time back in primary school...where someone cried when getting injections. And one of our classmates laughed at her. Then when it came to her, she cried too. x.x

Omg. Really really...dumb is the only word I guess. I wouldn't go extreme and say...stupid? XD But I feel like a thorough noob now. I mean...It's like saying something is stupid, but doing it yourself. XD Which is just a...really stupid thing to do? XD

Ahh well. :P

The birthday party thingy...was...odd.

Not bad. Not good. Just. Odd. O_O Wth do you want me to say to someone...whom I can't remember. -.-"

"Ohoh, mommy told me this." -.- I would've made a fool of myself.

Although perhaps my path wasn't much better, at least I made it for myself! So even if I made a fool of myself, I was happy doing it. ^_^

Lolol. I feel stoopid. And sleepy. Fell asleep in the car. Haven't done that since...primary school...when I could still be piggybacked up to our house cos daddy was young and I was super light.

But...don't quite feel like sleeping...just yet. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:07


I...I'm awake! *Applause* Daddy managed to wake me up.

Me sister on the other hand...was supposed to meet her friend at 5. She said something about change of plans at 5.30...and right sleeping like a baby. Somehow, I told you so just doesn't get any better than this. :P

Right. Off to get ready for the mass after this~

Yea...I'm awake...but I feel like throwing up. Geh. >.<

The morning's gonna be spent out...but that's gonna be a fat load of good because everybody sleeps in on saturdays anyways. -.-" I make a bet...that sis will go out for some reason or other...or mom will go out. We'll see whether I'm right. :P


And on a final note. Today is Michelle's 21st birthday! WOOOO!! \^.^/
Happy Birthday Da Jie. :D Best wishes for the year ahead. *nods*

Now...imma be late if I don't go. :>

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 08:05

Year 2 Sem 1

I realised. I never blogged about my current timetable!

Yes, I'm still awake, an hour later. XD

I effing LOVE our timetable for the new year. :P

School starting in the afternoon.

No school on fridays~


Imma be late for kendo on mondays tho. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 01:53


Lol. Sorry for stuffing ya'll with emo posts the last few updates. :P

I realise that if...anyone from my family...finds this blog. I'm effing screwed. XD Hahahaha. I guess that's a bad thing...cos there are things I can tell complete strangers but not my own family. Then again, this blog really has nothing much left to hide. :) It's all...shareable stuff? :P I guess.

Lol. Someone's looking for my blog to disturb me. >.<

Alejandro, if you see this, you're at the right blog. Now stop being mean. :X
Ade wants chocolate cake. :3

Right. 1am now. Bed time. >.>
I'm not even sleepy anymore. -.-"

Don't say it like you mean it, I really don't want it. -_-

Fiona knows who I'm talking about. :3 I think she does, anyway? xD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:56

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

It they come back...I'll scream at them...punch them...whatever it takes to get them out of my life forever.

Because other than that, I can't think of anything else.

I'm as helpless then. So much for growing stronger.
Lol. Irony.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 11:12


Money is the root of all evil...

Lol. I don't know what to say. Just...

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:16

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

And it strikes again

I have absolutely no muse.

No really. I have no muse when I write. Inspiration just comes randomly, there is no one person or thing I stare at to get inspiration.

Just imagine, if my computer was my muse. Then I COULD just stare at the screen and wait for something to come. But no. I have no muse. Perhaps the closest would be music, but even that isn't considered my muse. Since listening to it can have either no effect or a negative effect at times.

So, I basically have no muse. I can force myself to sit down and think of something, and not come up with anything, or I can just have a random thought while walking or reading something. The latter scenario is more likely. XD

So then...I was reading this absolutely GENIUS thing called a dream novel, which is basically an effing fanfiction, but coded in such a way that a pop up asking you to type out YOUR name will later replace the appropriate words in the story. Effing genius, I tell you. Hooray for random self inserts. -.-"

Personally, I don't give a shit about that, so I ended up using the name of my OC from my SK fic. 1. It's japanese. 2. Lazy to think for something as brainless as that. There was this one story that asked for "your best friend's name" and I put Ren. Now, I know Ren can be a female name, but SK influences me in such a way that I loled. Cos during a particular scene, I pictured Ren in...crossdressing. Very wrong. XD

Back to the stories. Most of them were...pretty bad. Some actually had a pretty good concepts, but the English was total FAIL. -.-" And when stories are bad, they do one of two things to me. First, I close the window and pretend I didn't read that story. Second, I ROFL. Somehow, the english mistakes in the stories, coupled with the sometimes shallow plot, or shallow way of expressing it, resulted in the second. Or maybe I was just really bored. Cos once I got bored of laughing at those, I couldn't bring myself to continue down the list. :P

Still, I think I read too much of those. -.-" See, somehow this random opening got stuck to my head. And bugged me. So I typed it out. :P It was totally structured to be a paragraph from a romance story. =.=" Very unlike me.

And after typing out that one line. I coupled it with another line to make it more complete. Which led to a second paragraph. And then. Suddenly, I found myself staring at...of all people...ATOBE KEIGO from PoT.


But seriously, the lines just screamed, ATOBE KEIGO. -.-"

And then the first scene was done. And I found myself thinking. "This could actually be interesting and fun to write."

So now, of all the fandoms I could have chosen for my pure romance fanfic (I'd been considering for awhile to improve my fluff skills), I've landed myself with PoT. And while its structured to be an AtobeOC. The main girl is being an idiot, who has a crush on Fuji Syuusuke. And I have no idea how its gonna turn out. -.-

But then I realise, that's part of the fun. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:34


So...the holidays are ending in a few weeks. And it's been quite a long...boring...yet fun and awesome one. Besides teh stuff I normally do, I did try some new stuff, though its still restricted to only what I feel like trying. But once I start. I get it right. :P

So...that's steak done. Cottage pie done. Both complete successes! :D Cottage pie was served on sunday, and I had people telling me they loved it, and someone even asked me for the recipe. Yay~

So...over dinner today...was wondering what my next conquest would be...What would it...

Then it struck me. CHILLI CON CARNE. :D

I love that dish, and my sister loves it, so it'll be awesome if I can cook it. :>

Hahahaha. >_<

I think I'll post the recipes for the cottage pie and maybe the steak on my livejournal, just to keep it alive. :3

To love someone for who they are, and not because they love you. Isn't that the way it should be?

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:28

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Plan plan plan!

I really do need to start training myself to write by following a plan. Of course, that plan can be flexible, but lunging in headfirst is not going to work forever! least plan for the upcoming chapter or something...

Since reading the old one...I really get the feeling that it was so rushed! There was no proper research...and it was just...rushed. Not to mention, no proper development. :P

I mean. On its own, its ok. But work of that standard is simply not acceptable if I wanna get better. >_<

Although, that I know what I need to do about it shows I have improved since then.

Still...Mada mada dane. :P

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 16:33


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