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Monday 25 May 2009


Moving to wordpress. xD

I might start blogger again if I find a nice blogskin. >.>

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 15:20

Friday 22 May 2009

random update

I'm considering shifting my blog to wordpress for now. I don't know why, I just like it. Of course, I could always go back to using my livejournal. :P

I'm tired, and apparently, still a little frustrated at goodness knows what. I made some headway for chapter 7, but apparently. I'm stuck again. XD Stupid Hui, she's damn hard to write. D< Well, that's just an excuse. :3

I don't know. I just felt like blogging. :/

I read Bakuman 38 today. I wish I could have that sort of dedication. Everything just seems to come out as a half-assed attempt lately. I know I can do better...But I just can't be bothered to. And even before lately came, there was all the maddening procrastination, the easy loss of motivation whenever I ran up against a wall.

Sometimes, I really wonder, being as passionate as I am, can I really say that I love writing?

But awesome idea heart beats so fast, the adrenaline flys sky high. And I know that I'm where I want to be...that this is what I want to do.

But then...I never end up doing it anyway.

Maybe its because I know I'm not good enough...then I just end up giving up on the big projects. know...

At least I'm working my way up with the small ones. :)

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 20:00

Saturday 16 May 2009


I was planning to umm...finish up chapter 6 today. But then...well, quite obviously, since I'm writing it this way, you know I failed. :P

It's reintroduce Hui. She was supposed to be there from the start! But then because of all the POVs, it felt weird to just throw her name in. I mean, its fine for Lyzerg and the rest because they are part of teh gang. But with Hui...she's just...not part of barney's happy family. :(

My OCPD kills me. :P But at least it makes me pay a lil more attention to details. Kinda like HDTV does for cameramen and makeup artists. :/

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 21:51

fun and games

You know that feeling, when you're not emo, but you're just too tired to do anything? Yea? Apparently, I'm getting that feeling again. XD I have no idea why, just been feeling really tired. :'/

I don't know. But on one particular issue, I flipped a coin, so... :)

HAHAHA! Jassy, we're plan spoilers! XD

now i...just gotta...wait for confirmation. Things are settled on my side, SCHOOL, IT'S ALL UP TO YOU.

Btw, doing illegitimate things are actually quite thrilling. :P don't worry, its nothing against the law. XD

K. Tired. Not gonna sleep, but shall just end off here.

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:06

Monday 11 May 2009

Blank screen

Yea, been staring at the blank screen here for awhile, since i just felt like blogging. But...don't know what to write. Tired leh. >.<


Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 23:38

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Totally and utterly bored.

*Fangirlism post? I dno, but be prepared.

So...I've been soooooo bored. And then Gakuensai no Ojisama finished downloading. So I decided to try it, translation guide in tow.

And then...I ROFLed. XD Inui and Fuji want to set up a cafe, Inui doing the drinks...and...Fuji the food. Bad combination, poor Ryoma got dragged in to be a waiter. XD

The whole idea behind the thing is so silly, but that's why its fun I guess. :P It's funny, and worth seeing/playing through for the lines that the characters say sometimes. It's like...PoT is...just that way. >.<

So. Yea. Don't pick on the girl! I mean, its not her fault she's so effing slow that she didn't understand why Atobe was being so nice to her. XD She was made that way by the scriptwriters. Tho why they chose to do so, I haven't a clue. :3

And then...there's all the usual finger-snapping by Atobe, and his usual ore-sama stuff.

Good research, really. I mean, I forgot about Fuji being a genius of hard work, but this actually reminded me.

Now to try and remember all these character aspects and actually use them correctly. XD

Gakuensai would be soooooo worthless, since its purely a dating sim, but then, its so funny I can't help but laugh. If I remember anymore funnies, I'll try to post them up~!

K. Like. Tired, so bedtime now. XD

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 00:58

Tuesday 28 April 2009


so tired. >.<

night classes have been cancelled, it wasn't just my imagination, so. yay.

i wanna drive

Fly forth, guided by your heart ; 12:00


Click to view links. :)

Avril (Oinkoink =3)
Brandon (Gor =3)
Cheng Hao
Fiona (Mummy =3)
Jaslyn (Skipping Partner =3)
Jason (Teddy Bear =3)
Jia Ying
Jonathan (Heehaw =3)
Michelle (Da Jie =3)
Serjia (Puppy =3)
Yi Lin (moomoo =3)
Yong Gao (Gorgor =3)

August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009


basecode - shiyuan (:
pic n editing - eXodefence
thanks and
copyrighted 08
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